Sunday, July 12, 2009

Echo Lake

We went down to Echo Lake with Marty's family all last week. We all had a great time. We spent lots of time hanging out in the sun, boating, eating, playing games, and just relaxing. The boys were sad to come home.

Davis Knee-Boarding

Davis has not had much experience around boats (Last year it took a whole lot of convicing just to get him to ride the tube). So we were pretty surprised when he said he wanted to try knee-boarding. For his first time he did pretty well.

Davis soccer

This is Davis's second time around for soccer and he has really enjoyed it. This year they got to play half the year indoor and half outdoor. He especially liked it becuase he and his cousin Jack played on the same team.

He is quite a good little soccer player. Although he ocassionally gets a little distracted (His Dad is a little competitive and sometimes get on his case a little more than he should).

These are some pictures of his last game. He was actually quite aggressive and played his best game of the year (He scored 3 goals!). I almost shed a tear.

Family fun

Davis has been taking some testosterone injections. It has had some unfortunate side effects.

Davis helping his Mom plant the garden.
Marcus & Davis embracing their Scottish roots.
Davis had a Hawaiian day at pre-school. Of course Marcus had to get dressed up as well.
We went to a town celebration out in Aetna with Delton & Brenda. Davis & Marcus thought it was pretty cool to ride on a horse.